Global Perspective


Company of engineerings

This is what we do

Integral project management in engineering involves planning, executing, and monitoring all necessary tasks to carry out a project from conception to completion. It includes resource management, cost management, risk management, and quality management to ensure the project is completed efficiently and effectively.



Solutions in project engineering, Argentina

Based on the client’s idea or concept, we focus on developing a project capable of satisfying the expressed requirements. The main objective of this stage is to technically and economically validate the different possible alternatives to solve the problem or need raised. It also seeks to clearly define the criteria to be considered for the development of the project, such as available resources, objective desired by the client, manufacturing technology to be used and everything that is deemed convenient and pertinent for each case.

Detail Engineering is carried out once the product has been fully defined and before starting final or serial production. In this stage, all the necessary documentation for the manufacture and assembly of the product is generated. The final calculation of materials, definition of commercial products to be acquired, manufacturing processes, lead time and control processes are carried out.

Reverse Engineering is a process through which one seeks to obtain technical information from a part, mechanism, structure or machine in order to be analyzed and create an alternative solution that fulfills exactly the same function as the original. The new solution contemplates the particular requirements expressed by the applicant, such as: design optimization, time reduction, cost reduction, ease of assembly, ergonomics, etc.

Depending on the need, it is possible to request Basic Engineering of a project. This is recommended when engineering projects must be presented or budgeted to obtain an idea of ​​the approximate cost, execution times and necessary resources.

We provide the Process Engineering service, which consists of the study and definition of the activities that must be carried out sequentially for the elaboration of a final product according to pre-established requirements. The technical supporting documentation and registration of the entire manufacturing process (Process Sheet, Operation Sheet, Gantt chart, etc.) is created.

Design and Development

Our approach to design and development

We design and develop innovative products in order to provide user-centered solutions. Starting from the initial concept, a process is followed which ends in the manufacture of prototypes or serial production. To guarantee the viability of the project, during the design and development we focus on economic viability, technological feasibility and people’s desire.

We have the ability to devise and carry out solutions for all types of industry, from devices to facilitate assembly tasks in production lines to the redesign of the Layout of the plant for its optimization. According to the problem presented, all the possible alternatives to implement, these would be presented to the applicant and the most convenient one would be selected according to the established criteria.

We have the capacity to design and manufacture machines and tools for specific purposes that adapt to the stated needs. It seeks to provide specific solutions to specific problems.

Process that involves the study of a product (part, machine or component) in order to reveal its main characteristics and functionalities, in order to propose modifications and improvements from the functional, manufacturing or resistance point of view.


What we take into account for manufacturing

The manufacture of prototypes on a natural or reduced scale, allows the evaluation of the operation, presentation, use and validation of the proposed design. This helps reduce product definition times and avoid complications during final or serial manufacturing.

We have the capacity to carry out short serial productions or pre-series, which serve to define both the product and the manufacturing process in its entirety. Its purpose is to obtain a sample of the products manufactured through the manufacturing process that is subsequently used for serial production.

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